Wednesday, May 27, 2009

menconteng jersey...

aku telah diupah untuk mendesign jersey rugby untuk sebuah university kat australia..nme team tu NSW tigers..aku design suke2 jer..haha..

Monday, May 25, 2009

lihatan semula seni

art review..aku amat tak berpuas hati dengan kerja2 aku..sebab tak setanding langsung dengan kerja rakan2ku yg lain..tapi aku ambil ini sebagai satu iktibar buatku untuk terus memajukan diri aku..aku mengkaji diri aku sendiri,cara kerjaku,perangai aku,identiti aku..insyaallah..semester depan aku akan buat yg lebih baik dari yg sekarang..tiada putus asa dalam kamus hidup positive boy..paper pun enjoy kay..komen2 la sket..xbnyk pun xper..x)

project 3-opulence(stage design)
from final to first draft..

project 2-an ode to ib
final and first draft

project 1-from here to there(modelling)

i know there are a lot improvement that are need to be done..however i am thanking to god for let me get through that semester with a lot of patience and courage to pursue angan2 arkitek aku..

ampun dong..

sowi..agak nya dah berkurun saya xmengepost..busy malas la sket(sket aper nyer..keje tdo ajer..) tunggu my post yg mendatang kay..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

shahrol equals not

am i me right now?i have stacks of questions in my mind right now..not about exam..but rather about i going through the right path now or have slipped away?Ya Allah Ya tuhanku..please bring me back to the correct path..let me be aware of what the purpose of this life to me..i have forgotten what i want..maybe this is what YOU(Allah) want me to it my destiny to hate n lost through my imagination..I'm not strong enough..i want to cry out aloud..i want let this self dilemma go away..i want to be me again..hope YOU help me be a better HAMBA of YOURS..

mak abah(bangga jadi anak mu)



shahrol akan buat yang terbaik untuk mu..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

equally likely..

tgk jap..same tak muke dyorang nih..hehe..

fatin fathonah


annasophia robb

komen la sket..hehe

Monday, May 4, 2009

anugerah buat beliau..

i want to share with you guys about this man(jamie pugh)..he just a deliveryman who keep his dream just to himself..but..on that day, he conquered his nervousness when he went for Britains Gots Talent 2009..i feel like i want to cry along with him..i can feel the song in my is so him in the youtube kay..

main bola tendang!

fuhhh..pnat aku maen bola petang td..rasa rasanya dah dekat tiga bulan kot aku xbersenam langsung..patutla susah benar nk study..aku kne jd mcm time kat sekolah dulu..even time exam pun turun padang agi..bru bley score! yang nk cite sket..aku turun lambat sket time tu semua orang dah maen la..aku segan gler nk join..yela..bru first time turun..kalau x membuta ajer atas akhirnya aku join jgk..setelah beberapa minit aku main..bola di passkn kepada aku..aku tak tau knape..mungkin sebab refleks auto aku kot..aku dengan selamba ajer memasukkan bola kejaring gol..orang lain semua terkejut..tapi nasib baik muka still selamba agi..nmpk mcm power laa..terasa macam rooney plak td..haha..

Sunday, May 3, 2009

edna mode

hehe..ble dah edna mode maksud nyer kne jd skema..sebab dah exam laa..
hahaha..xstudy lagi nih..cpat2..nnt kantoi plak..wish me all da best kay!

creative = psycho

haha..aku bersama tapai dan juga din telah menghasilkan satu art piece yg okey la jugak..kitorg bwat doll atau patung..hehe..pliz tgk and nilai ia dengan komen2 bernas anda..(please coment to this post about the art pieces that we had made)..really appreciate guys!

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