Monday, April 13, 2009

kys sportsday..

check out my pics kay..hehe

Monday, April 6, 2009


selepas aku ditegur mak cik guard pagi dan untuk sekelian kalinya aku di tegur oleh ustad..aku telah mengambil keputusan drastik dalam hidup untuk mengorbankan harta kesayangan aku..aku potong rambut!!!!hahahahahahahahahahaha..tpi best jugak..rasa ringan je kepala style for me i guest..haha..klu nk tgk rambut baru aku..dtg la jumpe aku..haha..tak payah kene bayar pun..hahaha..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Keta mantap..

fair lady 350z and mini cooper s...


ni la yang jadi bila korang belajar dalam course architecture macam kitorang..haha..

kotak perasaan bukan perasan

aku bersyukur kehadrat Illahi kerana my 2nd project art dapat A..
aku agak struggle jugak dalam pembikinan mood box ni..
susah sebab aku nyer hands on kurang kemas..

first thing first kami kena cari satu painting Dato Ibrahim Hussein..
so aku pilih Ramayana bukan ramachandran(cikgu sejarah aku haha)..
ramayana ni berbeza sket dari painting IB yang lain..
ramayana nyer strokes very fine and more elements from balinese culture were put in..
other than that colour scheme of the painting pun differs from his other paintings..
most of his paintings,the colours are bright and some are colourful..
but ramayana just consist of mostly white and black..which is quite boring i guess..
tapi aku nak jugak tonjolkan painting tu..sebab dye ada culture and nilai behind it..
very interesting if know the story why he did ramayana..
pliz take a look at his ramayana and feels the story yourself..

next thing we had to come out with this 3D model..
we have to extract the essence of the painting, his strokes, the colours in our own style and understanding..
so ive made a decision of taking the hand of ramayana as a symbol of power to be 3D by a result..

for the next week..from the 3D model that had we done..we need to build a mood for the first time..this is what i had produced for the 2nd week..xP

after the first crit with ms linda..i had done some improvement to my box..more 3D works had been

haha..buruk for the submission i had been doing some homeworks on the lighting and strokes..the colour ive change from grey to get the scary mood..and i used balinese classic gamelan as the background sound to this mood box..lets enjoy..x)
first the process..

the final......

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